7 Tips to Embrace Adventure When Things Don’t Go Your Way While Traveling

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7 Tips to Embrace Adventure When Things Don’t Go Your Way While Traveling

Theresa Conti - 27 May, 2024


As Robert Burns alluded to in his poem, To a Mouse, your best made plans may not always turn out the way you hoped for or imagined. But…don’t despair! That’s part of the adventure!

7 Tips to Embrace Adventure When Things Don’t Go Your Way While Traveling.

#1: Don’t Jump the Gun

You’ve searched for the perfect place to stay during your vacation. You show up after a long flight, hungry and tired, and are looking forward to relaxing in the apartment or hotel room you rented before heading out to see the sites. You arrive, and arph! Your accommodations aren’t ready and not at all what you expected! You feel angry and frustrated and want to find another place-pronto! What to do?

Case in point: I recently rented a room in someone’s home for a week-long stay in Spain, as I was unable to secure a home swap for my travel dates.

I was upset when I arrived, as the location was much further from the center than I expected. In addition, there were bars on the windows in nearby apartments, which made me question how safe the area was, and I didn’t know I’d be sharing a bathroom with the owner and her roommate. I wanted to bolt! But…after the initial shock, I decided to give it - and - myself a little time. In the end, I was happy I had waited. The owner and her housemate were lovely, sharing the bathroom worked out (they were often away), and, more importantly, I felt completely safe; even being out past midnight! I took the bus when my destinations were too far away to walk, and was glad I had stayed someplace other than the very busy center.

Tip: First impressions aren’t always accurate! Address your concerns, as warranted. Then, give your situation a day or two to resolve*** If you’re still uncomfortable, explore what else is possible. (See Tip #6 for more info)

#2: Stay Open

When things don’t work out the way you hoped, stay open to unexpected surprises! It may change your point of view!

Case in point: Even though I wasn’t happy with my accommodations when I first arrived, I found a beautiful place to walk along the river later that day, while looking for the bus stop. Had I not been open, despite my disappointment, I may have missed it! I enjoyed a long walk by the riverside a few days later, and even discovered a new neighborhood! I was delighted with my experience, which helped to change my mindset.

Tip: Be open to unexpected discoveries awaiting you! They may be closer than you think!

#3: Take Time to Rest

Spending x number of dollars (or whatever your currency is!) may tempt you to get the most bang for your buck, and see everything on your list, and then some! Yet, trying to take in more than your energy allows may leave you feeling worn out and cranky. You’ll have more fun (and energy!) if you sit, refuel and rest.

Case in Point: An 8.5-mile walk, after a long day, left me feeling overtired, sleepless, and unable to enjoy the next day’s walking tour, as much as I might have, if I hadn’t pushed myself the night before.

Tip: Pay attention to your body. Stop and rest, as needed. Think of your itinerary as a smorgasbord of choices that you can pick from at any given moment. When full, take a moment to digest before moving on to the next experience.

#4: Create Balance

Some people love to plan; others love to wing it. An over-booked agenda, or having none at all, can lead to disenchantment.

Case in Point: Over planning leaves me feeling tired, irritable and unable to enjoy my experience. Yet, having nothing planned can lead to feeling lost and lonely, particularly when traveling solo.

Tip: Choose two or three things you would most like to do or see. Then, use the rest of your list (if you have one!) to fill in the gaps, as desired. You’ll leave room for unexpected surprises, and create some needed balance.

#5 Don’t Break the Bank

It’s easy to spend more than allotted, particularly when traveling someplace new. Dining out, cultural activities, transportation and gifts (for ourselves and others!) can lead to overspending, and create unwanted debt. Having unlimited funds is great, but spending more than planned can be stressful if you’re on a budget. So, how can you stretch your dollars?

Case in Point: Exchanging homes has allowed me to fulfill my travel dreams when I might not have had the funds, otherwise. In addition to reducing lodging costs, home swaps have allowed me to cut down on other expenses, and use my resources for the things I really want to do.

A flexible spending plan opens up numerous possibilities. For instance, I often eat breakfast at home, pick something up at the local market for lunch and; enjoy eating out in the evening. This strategy recently gave me the option to take my first flight 90-minute flight in a hot air balloon! (PS: I like to eat out, and enjoy local fare, but it’s not my highest priority – your choices will likely be different!)

Tip: Be creative. Think outside of the box. Brainstorm ways to have the experience you desire without needing to break the bank.

#6 What Else is Possible?

Asking this question is the open sesame that leads to new ideas and options.

Case in Point: I ask this question when feeling stuck and in need of clarity. It clears my mind, opens my awareness, and provides me with inner guidance.

Tip: When things don’t work out the way you planned, or when you would like additional options, ask: What Else is Possible? Let go of preconceived notions, and be open to the answer. The ideas will feel simple and right, and you will feel a sense of lightness.

#7 Meditation

Taking a few minutes to meditate creates a more relaxed and enjoyable day.

Case in Point: Jumping out of bed, and into my activities, leaves me feeling rushed and scattered; while taking a few minutes to meditate helps me to focus, and create a relaxed and enjoyable day.

Tip: If you’d like to try a simple exercise, here’s one of my favorite practices by Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. Try it for a week or two. Then, see if you notice a difference in the way your day unfolds. To start, power down your phone, sit comfortably, and repeat the exercise three times through. When finished, sit for a minute or so, and soak in the peaceful feelings.

Breathing in, I calm my body (repeat silently as you inhale)
Breathing out, I smile (repeat silently as you exhale)
Dwelling in the present moment (repeat silently as you inhale)
I know this is a wonderful moment (repeat silently as you exhale)
Please leave a comment! I’d love to know how it goes!

Wishing you a wonderful journey!

***Of course, if the situation is dangerous, or truly unacceptable, don’t wait. Seek support and alternative lodging. (I once had this happen with an Airbnb that was filthy. They put me up in a hotel that night, and I moved to a beautiful apartment the next day.)


Theresa Conti is a Life Coach, and seasoned traveler, with more than 30 years’ experience. As a Stress and Life Balance Coach, Theresa helps her clients alleviate stress, and develop inner resources, like confidence, contentment, and connection, so they can live with greater ease, realize their goals and dreams, and better meet life’s challenges. Contact her at Theresa@reconnecting2you.com to schedule a complimentary consultation. You’ll get acquainted, share your dreams and goals, and explore how she can help you.